Facebook Inc(NASDAQ:FB) has launched an OpenCellular platform with an aim of bringing connectivity to nearly four billion people who cannot still connect to the Internet. The open source will come in handy especially for those in the remote areas of the world who have probably just hear about the web but never experienced it.

While communication has become a primary requirement, lack of necessary infrastructure to facilitate it has resulted in 10% of the world’s population remaining in the dark. Being the open cellular that it is, Facebook’s new platform will bring together far-flung villages through the use of 2G, LTE, and Wi-Fi access points.

Growth of Internet Connectivity

Compared to the traditional network infrastructure, Open source hardware and firmware are relatively cheap which makes it more affordable. There has been slow growth in Internet connectivity according to Facebook engineer Kashif Ali probably because a majority of its potential users cannot afford its connectivity. Hence the release of an open-source wireless access platform aims at countering this challenge.

Ali points out on the company’s desire to pursue multiple approaches all which are intended to improving connectivity infrastructure. It is for this reason that it will partner with other entities that have more advanced capabilities.  It will not only be of interest to the existing customers but also be accessible to new participants.

What will be the payback of using OpenCellular Platform?

There is a lot to reap from this given that the hardware is designed to withstand some of the harshest weather conditions. It is well known that some communities around the world suffer from extreme temperatures. So will this device survive?

Yes. The fact that it shall be mounted on a pole or tree at a range of heights makes it less vulnerable. The antenna systems whose testing is currently underway at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park will not require much of maintenance services. The services will be managed through a real-time operating system.