Lig Assets, Inc.(OTCMKTS:LIGA) will collaborate with renowned environmental visionary and pioneer, Mr. Robert Plarr, to provide sustainable, affordable homes in selected communities across the United States. Plarr has personally assessed hundreds of sustainable and green technologies, and has completed that less than 10% offer results as assured. Together with Plarr, LIG Assets intends to build the premier, most cost effective sustainable houses in the world using innovative construction materials, and offer only technologies that fulfill strict guidelines.

The highlights

Lig Assets will deploy advanced technology to get sustainable housing to a level that is economical with traditional construction. The typical homeowner can buy a house in one of its advancements that is sustainable; hence considerably reducing expenses for power and water. Additionally, the company will use construction materials that are mold proof, fireproof and waterproof that will not be reliant to aging decay linked with traditional building components. Its designs are not essentially planned for a niche market, however, scalable for mass development.

In this month, Lig Assets hosted its first Sustainability Impact Conference in Downtown Nashville. At the conference, the company invited several of its strategic associates to speak about advanced technologies and unique building materials. Just before the conference, a comprehensive audio-taped interview was closed with Plarr. This 25-minute dialog is now accessible at the new website of company.

Mr. Plarr said that nothing like this presently exists in the U.S. All these mechanisms brought together create this sustainable, inexpensive, incredible home. He has worked with the world’s pioneering scientists to develop his high-class “Science of Sustainable Integration” – recognized globally as “Plarr’s Living Green Structure System.”

Plarr is widely stated one of the most famous experts in advancing houses that are completely off the grid. He has solved the challenging problems faced by the sustainable and green sectors; the ability to store, deliver and collect energy through battery and power and systems. Plarr uses battery and power systems efficient of collecting 90% energy generated and store the power. Lig Assets intends to use these systems in all its homes.