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There is no end to the woes of Electronic Cigarettes Intl Group Ltd (OTCMKTS:ECIGD), which continued to drop in the last trading session. The e-cigarette maker suffered another setback after a new study showed higher use of e-cigs among teenagers, forcing health practitioners to demand stricter controls. A new research that surveyed nearly 16,000 teenagers in between the age 14-17 showed that one out of five respondents tried e-cigarettes.

Teenagers’ use

The analysis further revealed that 5% of teenagers, who had never smoked also tried e-cigarettes. Rest 50% of the respondents were already smokers while 67% categorized themselves as light smokers. Being touted as free of side effects, e-cigarettes have caught the attention of many smokers lately. A little research has gone into studying possible health hazards of e-cigs. One of research author, Mark Bellis told BBC News that e-cigarettes consist concentrate of highly addictive substance, which could negatively impact the lung tissues and cells. He said that steps must be taken to protect the younger generation.

Ban in view of health hazards

Though there is no age bar set for the purchase of e-cigarettes but the government has hinted that it may soon ban the sale of e-cigarettes to those under age 18. During the last summer, the World Health Organization had asked to bar the use of e-cigarettes indoors. The study comes on the heels of another report published last month, when Scientists from John Hopkins University provided evidence that e-cigarettes ‘vaping’ increases the risk of contracting pneumonia or flu.

All these studies could hurt the future of e-cigarettes and its makers like Electronic Cigarettes Intl Group Ltd (OTCMKTS:ECIGD), as despite being a recent innovation, e-cigs have seen unprecedented growth in the market. The threat scared the stock of Electronic Cigarettes Intl Group Ltd (OTCMKTS:ECIGD) that settled at $0.665 and recorded an average volume of 1.66 million shares.