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Shares of Nintendo Co., Ltd (ADR)(OTCMKTS:NTDOY) closed at $29 and lost 10.55% in today’s trading session. Ever since July 19th, the bears have taken over Nintendo Co., Ltd (ADR)(OTCMKTS:NTDOY). However, early adapting business are booming all thanks to “Pokemon Go”.

UK Restaurants And Pubs Pay £100 Daily To Be Pokemon Destinations As Part Of Attracting Customers

Pubs and restaurants in the UK are looking to cash in using Pokemon Go. The businesses are cleverly paying as much as £100 so that they can become a Pokemon destination and therefore cleverly getting customers into their premises.

The move seems to be working and businesses claim that £100 is a small price to pay, now considered as a business expense which pays off at the end of the night. People in the UK have cleverly come up with the nickname “Pokemonomics.” Maxwell’s, a burger restaurant based in London is one of the businesses that have adopted this strategy. The restaurant stated that its revenue has improved by 26% since it started luring customers using Pokemon Go.

Maxwell’s has employed someone to drop pokemons in Covent Garden so that they can attract people. The restaurant has also gone an extra mile and created a range of Pokemon milkshakes. Taking advantage of the Pokemon game has lured in additional 2,750 customers which helped earn an extra £70,000. Anthony Knight, the marketing manager at the restaurant stated that it is amazing how people have responded to the game. Knight stated that he was taking a walk through Covent Garden and he saw quite a number of people playing the game. The manager also highlighted that one of the most important things that facilitate success in the hospitality industry the ability to respond quickly to trends.

Other businesses such as the Oakford Social Club stated that it has also seen quite a significant increase in its revenue. Pokemon Go has more than 5 million users in the UK and about 21 million users worldwide and those numbers are rapidly climbing. Such numbers are an opportunity for businesses to come up with packages that can help boost their revenue. Analyst George O’Connor, of Panmure Gordon investment bank, stated that augmented reality games have the capacity to influence how people spend their money. The game has also improved revenue for businesses such as tattoo parlors which claim that Pokemon tattoos have never been as popular as they are today.