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Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) according to some top trusted sources has in the recent years held numerous board meetings where the issue about setting up a working strategy for the self-driving car was made a great priority.

Some very close sources to the company who wished to remain anonymous outlined that James Hackett had spent a huge chunk of his time actually plotting in regards to the matter. During the first week of the top chief executive assuming office, it is said that he had a number of concerns. He looked forward to fending off a market share grab by resurgent archrival General Motors Company (NYSE:GM) and asides from that he also wanted to bring to a sudden halt the skid in North American sales.

News trickling in have brought by the revelation that the U.S. No. 2 automaker remains stuck in a product drought that seemingly inspires much pessimism in terms of actually easing until 2019 and this was brought out clearly by some two sources that tracked Detroit’s launch plans.

In close consideration of the auto industry’s long product cycles, matters remain pretty much unclear in regards to whatever Hackett can actually do right away to get Ford out of its predicament.

Some top analysts have come forward make their comments about the matter. Most of them are from the school of thought that it was actually the making of the former CEOs that the top provider is experiencing the current business turmoil.

They said that position of a company CEO was indeed a significant one in terms of determining the future and business success of any given company and that it was the product of their decisions that landed the giant company where it is currently. Whether this is true or not is something that requires much of soul-searching as well as solid proof.

The company is also said to have raised the issue of proper management in its recent meetings since it believes that proper management is key towards getting out the very best in business. The company looks forward to scrutinizing workers much, more closely before allocating them positions.

Whatever James Hackett will achieve in line with his progressive is not something we can speculate. We just have to wait and see.