Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMD) buys the intellectual assets and the engineering talents from Austin-based startup Nitero company to set up its virtual reality wireless headsets.

AMD, the leading company known for its world’s best computer processors and graphic cards plans to take up the new generation of virtual reality headset to another higher level. According to the latest news from NASDAQ, the move came unexpectedly though the company has the capacity to invest and excel in the market of immersive technology.

The company will now focus on the growing industry in the Austin where companies such as Owlchemy Labs Inc are setting a higher pace in the advanced technologies. The company’s Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President, Mark Papermaster, said that the Wireless VR technology is more focused on resolving the challenges faced by the current awkward headset cables that are another big obstacle to the well-known Virtual reality acceptance.

The AMD made plans to purchase the Nitero assets as one of their long-term investment in the new technology to develop the most innovative and high-performing computing processors and graphic design cards that will bring excellent computing experiences to the end users.

The company has further appointed the current CEO and co-founder of Nitero Pat Kelly as their Vice President for their Austin branch. The CEO will move to the AMD with about 20 employees mostly the engineers who will implement the expected changes. The Nitero chip has in the past been widely used for military network communication through a connection of Virtual reality devices.

Other companies that have followed the same path in investing in the wireless technology are the renowned Facebook firm owned by the Oculus virtual reality and HTC Corp, the report from Engadget revealed.

The plans to invest in the technology will enable the company to grow its space in the market and bring more satisfying products and services to the consumers. The virtual reality environments will reduce the time taken between a person’s movement and what they view on the screen thus cutting off the delays that have prevailed in the past years.